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Crispy Shrimp Fruit Salad.

Catch leftover shrimp and fry to make a crispy shrimp fruit salad recipe from us. Add assorted fruits of your choice along with big fried shrimp and fruit salad cream. Easy homemade fruit salad with apple, pear, mandarin oranges and shrimp in creamy dressing. This is one of

Vegetarian Gyoza Sticky.

    Today’s vegetarian snack menu. We present Vegetarian Gyoza even though it doesn’t have meat. It can be delicious Japanese style. Want to eat fried Or steamed, it’s all delicious. Let’s write down the recipe and let’s do it together.  what to prepare (for gyoza sauce)¼ cup soy sauce¼ cup vinegarSesame

Konjac Sukiyaki Noodles

Crossing over to the Japanese side. I personally like this dish. It’s very delicious. I want you to cooking Konjac Sukiyaki Noodles seriously. It’s like going to eat that Akiyoshi Rib. Then use the invasion line. It’s sticky. Not fat. Invade is considered the King of Fiber. It

Cashew Nut Milk.

     Salt-roasted cashew nuts are often made. Try switching to cashew nut milk for a healthier drink. Soak the cashew nuts in water until they swell and blend them with water. filter out the residue. Then bring to a boil. Ingredients Cashew milk      • Cashew nuts. (soak in

Tom Yum Chicken Breast with Mushrooms.

     Ready to be delicious with the menu of Tom Yum Chicken Breast with Mushrooms Season with tamarind juice and fish sauce. Add paprika enough to have a spicy taste. Sprinkle with parsley to add flavor. Ingredients: Tom Yum Chicken Breast with Mushroom Tom Yum dishes include galangal,

Whole Wheat Spaghetti.

Check out this noodle dish like this seafood whole wheat spaghetti. Even though they use Italian-style spaghetti. But it has been adjusted to taste and add other ingredients to fit the Thai tongue more. It’s worth trying.It’s easy menu. Ingredients for Seafood Whole Wheat Spaghetti Ingredients:  Whole

Grilled Pork with Garlic Pepper Sauce.

Grilled Pork with Garlic Pepper Sauce A menu for people who want to take care of their health because it’s grilled pork in an oil-free pot. The deliciousness is at the roast pork with black pepper. Marinated until tender and flavorful with the Instant Stir-Fry Maggie Sauce and

How to make guava juice.

Add vitamin C for rainy season with guava juice. This healthy drink recipe is made with fresh fruit, added with honey and lemon for a refreshing boost.      It’s rainy season I want you to try to make fruit juices. Especially guava juice. Which has a lot of vitamin